

Twogether, a feel-good travel reality show on Netflix, spices up the travel show concept to make it even more fun and entertaining by sending drama heartthrobs from South Korea and Taiwan on missions that they have to work together through filming in many countries in Asia. This is the first collaboration between Lee Seung-gi, a superstar actor and singer from South Korea, and Jasper Liu, a famous actor from Taiwan. 

Despite speaking different languages, they mostly speak English, and Lee had learned some basic Mandarin in high school, so he can use basic words to talk with Liu. Meanwhile, Liu uses his drawing skills to communicate with Lee during the early stage.

During the production of the 8 episodes in the first season, the duo travel to different cities in 3 countries in Asia. Besides their missions in Thailand’s Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Lee and Liu also go to Yogyakarta and Bali in Indonesia and Pokhara and Kathmandu in Nepal. These missions make the duo become buddies in no time and create memorable moments throughout the trip where they try to complete missions together to get clues and find their fans in each city. Even though, sometimes they have to compete with each other.  

Twogether produced by Cho Hyo-jin, a famous producer from the top variety shows like Running Man. Teaming up a friend like Lee, considered a ” Godfather of Variety Show,” along with a fresh face like Liu, guarantees an entertaining 8 episodes for viewers.

Watch the cute friendship between Lee and Liu, along with the scenic background and cultures of each country on Twogether. Only on Netflix. 

Release Year: 2020 

Length: 8 episodes (Approximately 55-84 minutes each)  

Cast:  Lee Seung-gi, Jasper Liu

Genres:  Korean, Food & Travel TV, Lifestyle, Reality TV

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