Twogether, a travel reality show that takes viewers on exciting adventures in big cities across Asia with two actors: Lee Seung-gi from South Korea and Jasper Liu from Taiwan. Forced to work together to achieve their missions, the two actors embark on a joint assignment in Bangkok where they experience the after-dark charm of this city that never sleeps in the city’s Night Market, a late-nightlife center, an after-work retreat, and an art lovers’ zone.
The night market is one of Bangkok’s most colorful nightlife spots. Packed with shops, restaurants, and recreation activities, most of the night market traders operate in open spaces with their own distinctive features and charms.
A night market that is like a chic fair for the young generation, Jodd Fair offers an eclectic choice of shops and restaurants, from minimalist cafés to delicious street food vendors. You will also find various types of products for sale here. From clothes, bags, and shoes to home décor, and vintage items, the market also offers a variety of chic handmade goods.
Photo Credit – Jodd Fairs

Here you wi’ll find a vintage flea market with a sense of relaxation and many shops selling everything from clothes, bags, and shoes, to toys, appliances, second-hand items, and rare collectibles. After checking out the tattoo and massage outlets, you will find plenty of delicious restaurants to choose from, including shabu, grilled food, cooked-to-order dishes, and various street foods. It also has an activity area and skateboard rink to keep the local teenager engaged.
Adding to the “Ancient Market” theme of this flea market, traditional train station seats reflect the zeitgeist, while second-hand vintage shops offer rare items for sale. The many shops here sell everything from handmade products, clothes, and accessories, to plants and gardening equipment. However, the highlight of this market for many visitors is the live music corner, where you can sit back, eat and enjoy the music.

It is a landmark for art lovers. Showcasing many kinds of art, this place is characterized by the innovative use of waste materials to create a chic resting area where there are lots of spots to take Instagrammable photos. Anyone who loves art and loves photography should not miss it.
Jodd Fair: Traveling by MRT, get off at Rama 9 station, use Exit 2, then walk through Central Rama 9 Mall and exit through the back door. This market is just 100 meters behind the mall. (Open daily from 04.00 pm-12.00 pm.)
Corner Market: If coming from Major Cineplex Ratchayothin, take bus no. 178. When the bus turns right into Kaset-Nawamin road, get off at the bus stop near the intersection and walk a little further. (Open daily from 04.00 pm-12.00 pm.)
Train Market: Take bus no. 145, 133, or 132, or take the BTS train to On Nut Station. From there, take minibus number 4 and get off in front of the Train Market. (Open Thursday-Sunday 05.00 pm-01.00 am.)
Chang Chui: Take MRT Blue Line to Sirindhorn Station, use Exit 3A, then take a taxi to Chang Chui Gate 1 Sirindhorn (5 minutes). Alternately, Exit 3F and take air-conditioned bus no. 515 or 539, get off at the bus stop at the entrance sign to Bang Kruai and walk 300 meters to Chang Chui. (Open daily from 11.00 am-11.00 pm.)