Twogether is a travel program with a twist. Hosted by superstar duo, Lee Seung-gi from South Korea and Jasper Liu from Taiwan, the series takes viewers to various cities and countries where the two hosts try to complete various missions together. This challenging trip brought these unlikely buddies to Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, Thailand.
Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, a.k.a. “Lao Tuk Luck Floating Market,” is the first water market in Ratchaburi Province. It is located in Damnoen Saduak District, about 80 kilometers from Bangkok, in an old Teochew/Hainanese community. People here still make a living from coconut plantations and riverside trading, the same thing their ancestors did after immigrating from China centuries ago.
When considering short excursions from Bangkok, Damnoen Saduak Floating Market has always been among the top destinations for domestic and foreign visitors. This is especially true for those who enjoy experiencing the traditional culture of original local communities, as Damnoen Saduak Floating Market’s rowing-boat water bazaar represents a traditional way of life for local people. This community by the water has been trying to preserve their culture and keep things as they were.
After entering the floating market area, you will see several shops, restaurants, souvenir stores, cafes, and many other retail outlets along both sides of the canal. Between the walkway, many artists offer to draw impressive portraits of passing visitors.
Several of the shops here offer a terrace seating area where you can chill after a long walk while watching the goods-laden boats that pass by until you find something you like. A wide variety of freshly cooked food, straight-from-farm fruits, noodles, Pad Thai, and Thai desserts are all available here.

A boat excursion around the market can also be arranged. You can even stop and shop from other boats you pass along the way. Traveling on the boats and enjoying the same way of life as the local vendors is a fantastic experience and a real insight into Thai culture!
By car from Bangkok, take Petchkasem Road to Bang Khae and continue to Nakhon Pathom Province. Once you reach KM 83, turn left at Bang Phae Intersection onto Highway 325 and continue for about 25 kilometers across Thanarat Bridge. After 200 meters, please turn right to Damnoen Saduak Floating Market.
You can also take the Bangkok-Damnoen Saduak bus or a van from the Bangkok Bus Terminal (Borommaratchachonnani). It usually takes 2 hours to the fresh market around Thanarat Bridge, from where you can take a minivan straight to your destination.
Damnoen Saduak Floating Market is open every day from 7.00 am-5.00 pm. The best period to visit is from 8.00 am-1.00 pm as it’s their busiest business time.