Twogether is a travel reality show in which Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu, two superstars from South Korea and Taiwan respectively, take us on their travels with them as they embark on various missions in Asian cities, including Bangkok, Thailand, a heaven for both tourists and foodies. During their time in Bangkok, the duo had the opportunity to visit restaurants in bustling areas like Soi Rambuttri.
Soi Rambuttri, or Rambuttri Road, is a small alley located in Banglamphu, Chana Songkhram, Phra Nakhon District. The road is divided into two parts, the first part is connected to Sip Sam Hang Road and Chakrabongse Road, while the second part runs beside Wat Chana Songkhram and is connected to the start of the Somdet Phra Pinklao Bridge, opposite Khaosan Road and Phra Athit Road, a meeting point for tourists from all over the world. Reflecting its multicultural environment, Soi Rambuttri is home to restaurants from almost every country in the world.
At Soi Rambuttri, in addition to seeing many tourists from everywhere, you will also find various restaurants serving the cuisine of different nationalities, including chic cafes, bakeries, ice cream parlors, retro steakhouses, Thai fusion restaurants, and international restaurants offering a wide selection of food options. There is also an Italian restaurant in the alley, where fresh pasta noodles are made and cooked one dish at a time. With dozens of noodles to choose from as well as tomato sauce pasta, cream sauce pasta, and dried stir-fry pasta, this is the ultimate restaurant for pasta lovers.
With many Thai street food vendors also lining the alley, this area is as busy and lively as the nearby Khaosan Road.
Soi Rambuttri is a must-visit for people who enjoy good food and colorful nightlife because, at night, this small alley is filled with color, music, and lively energy, emanating from the many bars and restaurants, where you can sit down and enjoy a drink and music all night long.

If you don’t like Khaosan Road’s crowded and busy atmosphere, visiting Soi Rambuttri for delicious food is a pleasurable alternative because it combines a bustling atmosphere at night without being too crowded.
Soi Rambuttri is easily accessible by car and boat. If you go there by boat, you can take the Chao Phraya Express boat to Phra Athit pier and then walk the short distance to Soi Rambuttri, or if you want to go by bus, you can take the bus no. 15 or any of the other lines that pass Khaosan Road and Phra Athit Road. Once you get off at the Phra Athit Road bus stop, you can also walk a short distance to Rambuttri Alley.