Twogether is fun and entertaining travel reality show that has inspired many people to visit the places presented by two famous actors who host the show, Lee Seung-gi from South Korea and Jasper Liu from Taiwan.
The companionship between the two actors develops as the two actors travel around Asia completing assignments together. While presenting the charming and fascinating scene of Phra Nakhon District, the two actors experienced taking a Tuk Tuk for the first time.
For every foreign tourist who visits Bangkok, riding a Tuk Tuk is a must on their checklist because it is one of the unique symbols of Thailand. Everybody who visits Bangkok should experience riding a Tuk Tuk to many wonderful tourist hotspots in Phra Nakhon District.
Grand Palace and Wat Phra Sri Rattana Satsadaram, or Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha), is the most recommended place for tourists to visit in Bangkok. Open daily between 08.30 am and 03.30 pm, the temple now lets foreign visitors buy their tickets in advance at the website.

Another prominent landmark of Bangkok is the Giant Swing, or Sao Ching Cha, which is located in front of the Bangkok Metropolitan office. This place was registered in 1949 by the Fine Arts Department as an important national archaeological site. It’s a popular destination where people love to come to take pictures during sunset.
This learning museum introduces visitors to the meaning of Thainess, both traditional and contemporary, from various perspectives through modern media technology. Besides the interesting exhibitions on display all year round, there are many great spots for taking uniquely-Thai pictures. The museum is open from Tuesday till Sunday between 10.00 am-6.00 pm. You can buy a ticket in advance at

This public park along the bank of Chao Phraya River on Phra Arthit Road is another check-in place offering relaxing vibes and magnificent views of Phra Sumen Fort and the river with Rama VIII bridge as a spectacular backdrop. This is a perfect spot for taking pictures, especially during the late afternoon and sunset.
Tourists may take a Tuk-Tuk to Wat Saket or the Golden Mount Temple as the day’s last destination. This is an outstanding landmark with its elegant golden pagoda and magnificent 360-degree views of Bangkok from the top after climbing the 344 steps. The temple is open between 07.30 am-07.00 pm.

Booking a Tuk-Tuk in advance via the “Tuk Tuk Hop” application is strongly recommended. You can pay once and travel for the whole day with unlimited stops from 08.30 am-06.00 pm. This service is available around Rattanakosin Island, Khaosan Road, Dusit, Yaowarat, and Phahurat. Find out more information at Tuk Tuk Hop.