Twogether is a travel reality show on Netflix featuring two popular Asian actors; Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu. Together, they have to complete their assigned missions before meeting their fans in different countries in Asia, with Thailand’s Chiang Mai as one of the destinations they visit.
One of this trip’s most exciting and heart-pounding missions in this series saw the actors “Cliff Jumping” into the deep water from the edges of Grand Canyon Chiangmai, a challenging activity Lee and Liu did in Thailand to prove their bravery to their fans.
Grand Canyon Chiangmai is a place for adventurous travelers. As the name suggests, its geography is similar to one of the 7 natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon in America. The key difference, however, is that Grand Canyon Chiangmai is man-made.
The owner of Grand Canyon Chiangmai had excavated the land and sold the soil that was removed to leave a 15 to 20 meters deep “canyon” covering 30 rais of land. After filling up with water, the canyon was turned into a huge reservoir of turquoise blue. Meanwhile, the 20-meter high edges were turned into cliffs, making this place a fascinating tourist destination and the 1st Grand Canyon of Chiang Mai.
Besides the breathtakingly beautiful views for those who love taking spectacular photos and checking in on social media, this place is also famous for various family water activities.
The highlight activity at Grand Canyon Chiangmai is the “Cliff Jumping” from the 15 and 8-meter edges of the Canyon (now 9 meters in height) into the deep water, which both Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu plucked up the courage to do in the episode. For the return route, there is also a long zip line that runs for about 1 kilometer and gives amazing 360-degree views of the Canyon. This activity is safe and suitable for visitors of all ages from 3 years old and above, while the zipline can take as much as 135 kilograms per person.

Other activities include kayaking, spinning boat ride, rope climbing, blob pillow jumping, etc. There are also a kid’s pool, a shooting range, and an ATV riding park. Tourists can spend the whole day working their way around many activities in the park because it provides food and beverage services including various menus.
Grand Canyon Chiangmai is in Hang Dong district outside Mueang Chiang Mai district. From the Payom intersection, take Cholapratarn Road about 15 kilometers toward the Chom Thong district, then make the U-turn, and the entrance will be on the left side. Grand Canyon Chiang Mai is open daily between 09.00 am-07.00 pm. Ask for more information at Tel. 09 7929 8559 .