Twogether is a new reality travel show with a twist. Bringing together a superstar duo of heartthrob actors on a wild adventure that takes them to 3 Asian countries, the show challenges the two actors to work together to complete the challenges assigned to them in each episode. South Korea’s Lee Seung-gi and Taiwan’s Jasper Liu traveled to many provinces in Thailand during the show, including Bangkok, where they spent their time eating and sightseeing from day to night. The trip was so much fun that it has inspired viewers to follow them to those places, especially the part where the two actors went on an eating spree in Bangkok.
With a worldwide reputation as a foodie’s dream destination, with everything from streetside stalls to premiere restaurants to choose from, Bangkok’s food scene has everything to offer. For any non-Thai looking for an introduction to authentic Thai tastes, Bo.Lan, a contemporary fine-dining restaurant in Sukhumvit run by Duangporn “Chef Bo” Songvisava will never disappoint.
As a restaurant with a strong core idea and unique stance, Bo.Lan by Chef Bo and her husband, Chef Dylan Jones, conveys the story of Thai food through inspired ingredient selection. The couple practices the zero food-waste concept as a way to reduce trash, while they also design eco-friendly food preparation processes from start to finish.
Chef Bo and Chef Dylan strongly believe in supporting Thai farmers by using organic ingredients from local producers in Thailand to cook authentic Thai cuisine. This way, they can stay true to authentic Thai recipes by using only Thai products in every dish. Complying with and representing the rich culinary environment in Thailand, each creation is a work of art that can be enjoyed exclusively at Bo.Lan.
With their unique concept combined with their hands-on experiences and never-ending approach to learning, Chef Bo was awarded the Best Female Chef in Asia 2018, while Bo.Lan got 1 Michelin Star and was named No.37 on Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants list in the same year.

The restaurant always serves a set meal, depending on seasonal ingredients. Starting with Thai beverages to whet your appetite, the dining adventure continues with a tasty entree and a la carte. Then comes a big set meal consisting of 6 dishes: salad, stir-fried, curry, soup, a dipping sauce, and a side dish served with steamed rice. The meal is topped off with dessert. The price of this meal is 4,800 THB/person.
Bo.Lan is located at Soi 24, Sukhumvit 53, Khwaeng Khlong Tan Nuea, Khet Watthana. To get there, take the BTS Skytrain to Thong Lor station, then walk into the soi. Or if you travel by car, the restaurant has a valet parking service for a maximum of 4 cars.
Please make a reservation in advance. Booking opens via 0 2260 2962 and